
Tinnitus E-Programme

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Audiology Partners

Who are our Audiology Partners?
Information for users and potential users of the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme and for Audiologists

Audiology Partners is a new addition (29 September 2022) to the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme resources. All Audiology Partners demonstrate a genuine keen interest in helping their clients/patients optimise their hearing health but still have difficulty coping with tinnitus. The first thing that should always be recommended when tinnitus is experienced is a hearing health check. This includes otoscopy (physical examination of the outer and middle ear) and a comprehensive hearing test. Your Audiologist will explain the results to you and advise next steps, which may include ear wax removal and/or suitable hearing aids that meet your own individual hearing needs if there is an aidable hearing loss. These early interventions will very often help your experience of tinnitus significantly, in addition to simultaneously taking the strain out of listening and participating in conversation.

Where your hearing health check indicates:
  • ear canal is clear of wax build-up
  • hearing test indicates 'normal hearing' whereby hearing aids are not recommended
  • tinnitus remains problematic causing you to be distressed by your tinnitus
  • ear canal is clear of wax build-up
  • hearing test indicates hearing loss (mild/moderate or severe)
  • hearing aids are prescribed and used
  • tinnitus remains problematic causing you to be distressed by your tinnitus

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for tinnitus has an excellent evidence-base as best 'treatment' - see the list of treatments on the Tinnitus UK website that uses a traffic-light system, where only Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) has green lights for BOTH safety and effectiveness. This is why Tinnitus UK is an advocate for CBT for tinnitus distress and partners with the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme - BTA Partner  

The partnership with Tinnitus UK helps to give you confidence in your choice of enrolling in the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme. Being an Audiology Partner is intended to help give you confidence in your choice of Audiology services.

  • All our Audiology Partners demonstrate a genuine keen interest in helping their clients/patients optimise their hearing health
  • Each Audiology Partner has their website listed in the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme website
  • Our Audiology Partners include the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme information on their websites
  • No financial incentives are involved

A sincere and very warm welcome to our very first Audiology Partner based in Claremont, Western Australia

Evergreen Audiology
Shop 14 Old Theatre Lane
52B Bay View Terrace
Claremont 6010
Western Australia

As Australia has started this, it will be great to see more Audiology Partners join in from across the UK and other countries

If you have received excellent service and support from your Independent Audiology Practice and would like to nominate them, please speak to them first about it. Refer them to the information about becoming an Audiology Partner with the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme and I will be delighted to hear from them by email: cbt@tinnituseprogram.org along with your nomination of their Practice

If you are an Audiologist and your practice would like to become an Audiology Partner with the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme, in the first instance, please email cbt@tinnituseprogram.org
CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme © 2009-2024

CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme Ltd
Company Number: 15206830
Company Director: Debbie Featherstone

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