
Tinnitus E-Programme

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Tinnitus Functional Index


Neuroscience & CBT Protocol Developed for Severe & Very Severe Tinnitus, Stress and Anxiety

Latest feedback
From Juha in Finland
Q: Would you recommend others with severe tinnitus distress to use the course, and if so, what would you say to them?
A: "Yes, I would highly recommend this course. If you have tried (or read about) cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) for tinnitus distress before and it didn’t help, don’t be discouraged. This course is exceptionally well planned and organized, and the process is long enough (12 stages, at least 12 weeks, usually more) to make the change possible. The course aims to help not only with tinnitus distress but also with the anxiety, the trauma reactions and the depressive symptoms, which are often part and parcel of the situation. That and the combination of neuroscience, trauma psychotherapy perspective and CBT makes this course unique."
What’s your TFI?

The Tinnitus Functional Index is a widely used, fully researched and validated tool that measures how well an individual is able to function in their daily life when living with tinnitus.
The 12 part CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme was specifically developed for those experiencing severe (TFI category 4) and very severe (TFI category 5) problems because of tinnitus (a TFI of over 54%). The programme is also suitable for those experiencing moderate (TFI category 3) problems with tinnitus.

As a culmination of 30 years as a Hearing Therapy specialist in tinnitus, qualified psychotherapist and CBT and tinnitus specialist, the programme combines 1-1 support (using Zoom, email, interactive logs and bespoke tools) with Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)

Excellent Outcomes can be expected and you can see others’ feedback

Complete a TFI below, receive your results and recommended way forward. It's easy to enrol and you can start straightaway.

Before you complete and send in your TFI, please ensure you have read and understood our Conditions of Use and be aware that from 1st July 2018, the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme is therapist-supported by Debbie Featherstone, Hearing Therapist & Psychotherapist Specialist in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and tinnitus. Your TFI is calculated manually. You will receive your result by email as soon as possible (usually within a few hours during work times) along with a full breakdown of your 8 subscales within the TFI IF you request them at the end of the questionnaire

The aim of this questionnaire is to identify how much tinnitus is affecting you in terms of intrusiveness, sense of control, ability to concentrate, sleep disturbance, auditory difficulties due to tinnitus, your ability to relax, quality of life and emotional distress (the 8 subscales)

The TFI categories are based on your total TFI score as follows:
  • Category 1: 0-43 (0-17% - not a problem)
  • Category 2: 43- 79 (18-31% - small problem)
  • Category 3: 79-134 (32-53% - moderate problem)
  • Category 4: 134-180 (54-72% - big problem)
  • Category 5: 180-250 (73-100% - very big problem)

The TFI identifies how tinnitus is affecting you "quanititively" as do the other validated measures for stress and anxiety used when you enrol. Additionally, there are IMPACT STATEMENTS at the end of the pre-Stage 1 section "The Amygdala" that identify how tinnitus affects you "qualitatively".

Complete your TFI and press send:
CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme © 2009-2024

CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme Ltd
Company Number: 15206830
Company Director: Debbie Featherstone

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