
Tinnitus E-Programme

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CBT for Tinnitus for Tinnitus UK Members

Neuroscience & CBT Protocol Developed for Severe & Very Severe Tinnitus, Stress and Anxiety

Making use of the collaborative research between neuroscience and psychotherapy, has brought about 100% potential for experiential change through putting natural brain plasticity to work FOR rather than against our patients, thereby revolutionising clinical practice in psychotherapy.

The CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme brings these cutting edge practices to anyone suffering because of tinnitus.

Debbie Featherstone MSc
Hearing Therapist, Psychotherapist & CBT Specialist in Tinnitus
CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme
Provided by dual qualified Hearing Therapist & Psychotherapist Debbie Featherstone

Here's a quick run-down of what CBT4T does for you and how it does it
How CBT4T does it:

  • CBT4T (the new name for the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme from October 2023) is a neuroscience-informed CBT process for severe and very severe stress and/or anxiety experienced because of tinnitus
  • The Neuroscience & CBT Protocol developed for CBT4T enables the user to separate having tinnitus from being distressed by tinnitus

The Protocol used is unique to this course:
  • There is a reason for everything used in the course being not only what it is but where it is in the process
  • Part 1 of the Protocol changes the nervous system from being DYSREGULATED to REGULATED
  • Using the bespoke tools unique to this course, Part 2 of the Protocol first DISRUPTS old embedded neural pathways > GROWS new neural pathways > STRENGTHENS the new neural pathways
  • The Protocol combines polyvagal informed neuro-psychotherapy, associated neuroscience, behavioural and cognitive therapy with a focus on 3rd wave CBT
  • The cognitive therapy used enables psychological flexibility, developing and deepening a recovery-oriented perspective. This is wholly different to 2nd wave CBT that is problem-oriented and thought-focused
What CBT4T does for you:

  • When tinnitus bothers you for 15 minutes every day, spend 15 minutes every day DOING something about it two and a half minutes at a time
    • The average user starts out stating tinnitus bothers them 80% or more of their time awake
    • The average user finishes the course stating tinnitus bothers them 10% or less of their time awake
  • The neuroscience-informed CBT process was specifically developed for you when you have tinnitus that is severe and very severe (a TFI over 54%) - you go as far in to the course as you need, at your own pace
  • The programme combines one-to-one individual support (using Zoom, email, interactive logs and bespoke tools) with Internet-based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (iCBT)
  • Completing the process as it is presented, users of CBT4T reach at least TFI category 2 (tinnitus is a small problem), including those starting with a TFI category 5 (tinnitus is a very big problem)
Snapshot of how CBT4T brings about the necessary changes
Read more in the CBT4T Bulletin
Behavioural or Cognitive
How much change can be expected?
Outcomes are consistent, reliable and now this process has been used for two years, have proven to be sustainable:

Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI) Category changes following completion of the 12 stage CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme

Average change by TFI value:
  • Cat 5 pre-course: 84.9% > 29.9% (Cat 2 post-course)
  • Cat 4 pre-course: 64.8% > 20.8% (Cat 2 post-course)
  • Cat 3 pre-course: 45.6% > 19.0% (Cat 2 post course)
Figures published 22 May 2022
Not a Tinnitus UK Member yet?

Go to our Tinnitus UK Membership page for more information

Cost of Tinnitus UK annual membership is £30 - more information at Tinnitus UK

15% saving when enrolling on CBT4T with one appointment included: save £37.50
If Tinnitus UK put you in touch with us to enrol on CBT4T, you can earn Tinnitus UK 15% and 5% for yourself even as a non-member. Use the discount code SUPPORT4TINNITUSUK at the checkout for 5% off the cost of your enrolment. Be sure to use it during the checkout process as the 5% discount cannot be paid retrospectively or refunded.

CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme © 2009-2024

CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme Ltd
Company Number: 15206830
Company Director: Debbie Featherstone

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