
Tinnitus E-Programme

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Making use of the collaborative research between neuroscience and psychotherapy, has brought about 100% potential for experiential change through putting natural brain plasticity to work FOR rather than against our patients, thereby revolutionising clinical practice in psychotherapy.

The CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme brings these cutting edge practices to anyone suffering because of tinnitus.

Debbie Featherstone MSc
Hearing Therapist, Psychotherapist & CBT Specialist in Tinnitus
CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme

Success stories, Reviews & Feedback from Users of
CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme (CBT4T)

Personal reviews by people using the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme are published with permission and include the significant changes each achieved measured by their Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI)
Matt, UK
Matt completed the course back in August 2021. Matt has been thoughtful enough to send a review of how he is TWO YEARS ON - thank you so much Matt! Read Matt's Review "Two Years On"
Cath, UK
Cath is part way through CBT4T - here's her review of her progress so far....

Review written at intermediate Stage 6, 19 weeks after enrolment
Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI) 80.8% > 42.4% (category 5: very big problem > category 3: moderate problem)

Q: Do you recommend others to use the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme?
A: "Yes. Life's a journey with bumps in the road, tinnitus has felt like the biggest mountain trying to walk in high heels. The course has given me sturdy walking boots to make good progress to get to the top and over the other side."

Q: What benefit have you experienced using the relaxation element of the course so far?
A: "I had used mindfulness before and appreciated it helping with stress and anxiety but it hadn't become a regular part of my daily routine. I've really appreciated the breathing and relaxation exercises, for feeling more grounded and having time out for renewal during the day and very aware that this has been beneficial in helping to regulate my dysregulated amygdala."

Q: How has the neuroscience-based learning about the amygdala, autonomic ladder and brain plasticity helped you to relate to your experience of tinnitus, anxiety and stress?
A: "Really useful to understand more about this and how stress, anxiety and perceptions have an impact on tinnitus and what I can do for my own self care."

Q: What have you learned from the costs & benefits transaction work (used from stage 3)? Estimate how much you have already adjusted from having a problem-oriented perspective towards a recovery-oriented perspective (e.g. 2/10 > 7/10 indicates an improvement of 5 so far)
A: "Costs and benefits were really useful and I particularly appreciated the second arrow exercises. I think I've definitely shifted to a recovery perspective, though the process hasn't been easy. I think I was probably at 1/10, now at a 7/10."

Q: You are likely to have had your first 1-1 by now. Did you benefit from your 1-1 and if so, how?
A: "Useful to have a conversation and chat through concerns and expectations of progress."

Q: What is your own impression of your progress to date?
A: "I have much more understanding about tinnitus and my own responses to this, it's still constant and annoying on occasions, but I'm in a much better place with my well-being, and I am feeling more recovery focussed."
James, Switzerland
Interim review written at first repeat stage (Stage 6), 8 weeks after enrolment
Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI) reduced from 69.6% (category 4: big problem) > 20.4% (category 2: small problem)

Q: Do you recommend others to use the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme?
A: "Yes, absolutely. When I heard that there is nothing that can be done to treat tinnitus, it contributed to my sense of hopelessness. As CBT is apparently the only proven way to manage the condition, there is nothing to lose and everything to gain by pursuing this path. I was convinced of the robustness of Debbie`s approach after reading through the course information, especially in comparison to various apps and am strongly convinced signing up was the best course of action I could have taken. I committed myself to the protocol, despite initial reservations about how the breathing exercises could help the sound in my head and am happy to be in a significantly better place now as a result."

Q: What benefit have you experienced using the relaxation element of the course so far?
A: "The relaxation exercises have brought a calming routine to the day, whilst sometimes I struggle to fit them all in, I usually look forward to doing them now. Prior to the course, I wouldn’t have bought into the idea that something so apparently simple could help me, but I am pleased to say I have been proven wrong!"

Q: How has the neuroscience-based learning about the amygdala, autonomic ladder and brain plasticity helped you to relate to your experience of tinnitus, anxiety and stress?
A: "Yes - by de-mystifying and understanding the process behind tinnitus and distress, it has already helped me to shift my perception and move past my initial fear response."

Q: What have you learned from the costs & benefits transaction work (used from stage 3)? Estimate how much you have already adjusted from having a problem-oriented perspective towards a recovery-oriented perspective (e.g. 2/10 > 7/10 indicates an improvement of 5 so far)
A: "I have learned to recognize my regular negative thought process and to try to counter it with logic and evidence (where possible). It`s not always easy, as powerful emotions can come into play, but I am catastrophising less and recognizing where I have made progress more. I would say overall that I am now focusing primarily on recovery, but on bad days, it can slip back toward the problem viewpoint. The example of a shift from 2/10 to 7/10 is probably about right for me."

Q: You are likely to have had your first 1-1 by now. Did you benefit from your 1-1 and if so, how?
A: "Yes - simply having contact with someone who understands is already a big help, but Debbie was very calm and methodical in our discussion and I felt I could be very open about my experience and where I was at. I would definitely arrange another in due course to cover topics that I feel I could still deal better with."

Q: What is your own impression of your progress to date?
A: "When I initially signed up for the course, I was at a point of desperation, not knowing how I could go on with the tinnitus I was truly suffering from at the time and seeing my life as I knew it at an end. Now, after around 8 weeks, I feel I am coping day to day and living a fairly normal life in which I am often conscious of the tinnitus being present, but mostly consigned to the background and no longer being the centre of my attention. I have had some good days, when it feels like the tinnitus is almost non-existent, then bad ones when it re-appears without apparent explanation, but my response to the condition is very different to back at the start and I can generally deal with it and enjoy life. Importantly, at the start, I was having numerous sleepless nights, which made everything so much worse, but now I generally sleep soundly, with no need for a noise generator to mask the tinnitus, which has been a huge improvement."
Kirk, USA
Kirk completed his course. Here's his final review - and his review part way through as he completed Stage 6....  

Final review from Kirk - 21 weeks after enrolment:
"The Tinnitus E-Programme has been life changing for me. It is very educational and well thought out. I had no idea how connected tinnitus is to the fight or flight reflex, anxiety, etc. The program was easy to follow, included weekly accountability and allows one to progress at their own pace. I’ve completed the program but will be using some of the relaxation and visualization exercises and the other resources for the rest of my life. Excellent program. Amazing results."

Q: Do you recommend others to use the Tinnitus E-Programme and if so, please say why:
A: "Yes! It works!"

Kirk's review written at Stage 6 (10 weeks after enrolment)
  • Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI) 52.8% > 16.0% (category 3: 32-53% moderate problem > category 1: 0-17% not a problem)
  • Stress (PSS) 17 > 6 (14-26 moderate stress > 0-13 low stress)
  • Anxiety (ASQ) 35.3% > 4.7% (31-60% moderate > under 10% negligible)

Q: Do you recommend others to use the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme?
A: "Yes! Knowing that others have gone before me, and that still others are currently in the course has helped me feel like I’m not alone. I’ve learned a lot and look forward to progressing through the remaining lessons."

Q: What benefit have you experienced using the relaxation element of the course so far?
A: "Having never used breathing or guided relaxation before, I was skeptical. I can now say that these two techniques have been incredibly helpful for me. Using them consistently is the key."

Q: How has the neuroscience-based learning about the amygdala, autonomic ladder and brain plasticity helped you to relate to your experience of tinnitus, anxiety and stress?
A: "Very much so. I never realized there was a relationship between my tinnitus and what was going on in my life regarding stress and anxiety. I always thought my tinnitus was more of a structural condition. Learning the top down vs bottom up way the amygdala works with the upper brain has been fascinating."

Q: What have you learned from the costs & benefits transaction work (used from stage 3)? Estimate how much you have already adjusted from having a problem-oriented perspective towards a recovery-oriented perspective (e.g. 2/10 > 7/10 indicates an improvement of 5 so far)
A: "Reframing my perspective from problem to recovery has been important. I’m a “fixer” by nature so I’m usually recovery oriented in general. But with tinnitus, I was stuck being problem oriented."

Q: You are likely to have had your first 1-1 by now. Did you benefit from your 1-1 and if so, how?
A: "My first 1-1 was great. Debbie helped me understand that the program cannot be rushed, everyone will progress at their own pace. Staying in the program consistently and patiently is the key."

Q: What is your own impression of your progress to date?
A: "Overall I’m feeling less stress and anxiety. My tinnitus still blares most mornings when I wake, but I notice it less during the day. Most days I now wake feeling like I’ve slept better, and I seldom wake up feeling anxious anymore."
This course is specifically for people with very distressing tinnitus. Five clinical measures are used to assess initial severity:
  • Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI)
  • Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI)
  • General anxiety (GAD-7)
  • Perceived Stress Score (PSS)
  • Anxiety/Stress Symptoms Q (ASQ)

These clinical measures are repeated at stages throughout the process in the course to quantify progress and change:
  • First repeat is at the end of Stage 6
  • Later at either module 9 or 10 - these may be interim or final measures, as some patients do not need the Core Belief work in Module 11
  • Final repeat at/post module 12

A Case Study from the 12 Module CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme
An extract from webinar on 30th March 2021: A summary case study of a CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme user

How much change can be expected?
This means how much change in your experience of having tinnitus can you expect
Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI) Category changes following completion of the 12 stage CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme

Average change by TFI value:
  • Cat 5 pre-course: 84.9% > 29.9% (Cat 2 post-course)
  • Cat 4 pre-course: 64.8% > 20.8% (Cat 2 post-course)
  • Cat 3 pre-course: 45.6% > 19.0% (Cat 2 post course)
Figures published 22 May 2022
CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme © 2009-2024

CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme Ltd
Company Number: 15206830
Company Director: Debbie Featherstone

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