Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for tinnitus is used when tinnitus intrudes in daily life causing "tinnitus distress"
The CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme:
- Enables you to change having "tinnitus distress" in to noticing it less and less, and even when you do notice it, it doesn't bother you
- Is a defined process, worked through at your own pace and used in the order it is set out
- There is a reason for everything used in the course being not only what it is, but where it is in the process
- Neuro-psychotherapy and associated neuroscience, with cognitive (and behavioural) therapy woven in to the process, stage by stage
- Everyone who completes this process as it is set out reaches at least TFI category 2 (tinnitus is a small problem), even those starting with a category 5 (tinnitus is a very big problem)
No two people are the same
Tinnitus distress includes a combination of any or all of the following:
- Stress, anxiety, frustration, anger, low mood
- Fear of coping with life in the future
- Unable to imagine ever being happy again because of tinnitus
- Ruminating (thinking over and over) about tinntus
- Poor sleep onset and/or waking in the night unable to return to sleep
- Difficulty relaxing and partaking in activities previously enjoyed
- Worry about those close to you because of how you feel and behave
- The belief that no one with tinnitus like yours can be helped
Snapshot of how the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme brings about the necessary changes
Outcomes Audit
The table below shows the changes in Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI) categories achieved by Users of the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme - audit completed and published 10th September 2022
Tinnitus Functional Index Categories are as follows:
- Category 5: 73-100% (tinnitus is a very big problem)
- Category 4: 54-72% (tinnitus is a big problem)
- Category 3: 32-53% (tinnitus is a moderate problem)
- Category 2: 18-31% (tinnitus is a small problem)
- Category 1: 0 - 17% (tinnitus is not a problem)
Benefit is not limited to tinnitus. Here is a message I received in May 2022 from Paul who completed the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme in 2021, where like others, he reports another benefit is his learning from the course is transferable....